Charles Pigott's profile

Future Past Perfect

The Book of the Dead
There is a certain inconsistency in architecture. It proposes to propagate a set of rules to determine its understanding; an operations & maintenance manual if you must. But the quandary of such an exercise is whether the structure can maintain its interest over generations; if the quality of life is maintained by instruction. While we are inundated by a multitude of global issues it seems the architect is challenged to address them. Somehow stuck between the issue and the art of life there is a team that attempts to cover all the bases; to search for the root to all our ills and qualify an economic argument. It looks not as though the observation of data will be a qualified response to architecture when it’s art it thousand of years old. We have succumbed to embellishing the world with new ideas without the knowledge of its consequences. To promote a solution that appears inconsequential might attain the attributes to our recovery.
Future Past Perfect

Future Past Perfect
